2022 Jurors

Fan Jurors

Erin Sherlock

Erin Sher­lock (she/her) has been involved in the com­e­dy music fan­dom since her begin­nings 21 years ago. Her father, Ken Sher­lock (also known as the Mad­man on the Loose on DementiaRadio.org and a for­mer Juror for the 2014 Logan Awards) intro­duced her and brought her along to con­certs of “Weird Al” and oth­er artists of the FuMP when she was young, includ­ing to her first Marscon in 2010. Fea­tur­ing on Sleep Walk­ing Zom­bies by Car­rie Dahl­by with her dad when she was just 7 years old she is now a legal adult. Today she goes by the alias Bik­erIQ, stream­ing video games on Twitch and post­ing edit­ed videos on Youtube.

Chrystal Williams

Chrys­tal Williams (she/her) is a Trans­gen­der writer and Pod­cast Host who has a deep love and appre­ci­a­tion for the art of com­e­dy music even going as far as writ­ing an arti­cle on how “Weird Al” Yankovic’s music saved her life as a young trans woman. You can find Chrys­tal on her Pod­cast “Gals of Geek­dom”, read any of her arti­cles on Medi­um, or fol­low her on twit­ter @chrystalwrox.

Conner Nyberg

Con­ner Nyberg (he/him) is a film school stu­dent (god­speed) with an active love for odd music and films, hav­ing his brain sub­ject­ed to “Weird Al” Yankovic, They Might Be Giants, and Lemon Demon as a wee young lad. His cur­rent project is a bio­graph­i­cal doc­u­men­tary on the awards’ name­sake, enti­tled Your Friend Logan: The 4‑Track Mind of Logan White­hurst. He can also jug­gle (not really).

Musician Jurors

Jace McLain

Jace McLain (he/they) is the front per­son for the band Nuclear Bub­ble Wrap and a found­ing mem­ber of the record label Needle­juice Records. From a young age, Jace was obsessed with com­e­dy music and song par­o­dies, and has always been a fan of such artists as “Weird Al” Yankovic, The Arro­gant Worms, and a pletho­ra of acts asso­ci­at­ed with The Dr. Demen­to Show. In 2005 Jace formed the band Nuclear Bub­ble Wrap, which attained the #1 song on Dr. Demen­to in 2010, and won a Logan Award for their song par­o­dy “Ava­da Kedavra.” Recent­ly, Jace co-found­ed Needle­juice Records, a record label which spe­cial­izes in phys­i­cal media, and the very first album signed was none oth­er than Logan White­hurst himself.

Julia Larson

Julia Lar­son (they/she/he) is a 29-year-old musi­cian and writer from Clear­wa­ter, Flori­da; Wash­ing­ton, Mis­souri; and cur­rent­ly Nashville, Ten­nessee. Julia plays lots of instru­ments, loves to sing, and began dab­bling in com­e­dy music dur­ing the late 2000s while per­form­ing with big sis­ter Bri­an­na in a comedic acoustic folk music duo called The Organix. These days Julia plays drums for the band Nuclear Bub­ble Wrap and is writing/recording song par­o­dies for Holy Bong­wa­ter, a par­o­dy band with part­ner, Jace McLain.

Tom Rockwell (aka Devo Spice)

Devo Spice (he/him) is a nerdy com­e­dy rap­per from New Jer­sey who has been called “the red-head­ed step­son of ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic and Eminem.” Over funky beats with crisp, clear vocals Devo raps about tech­nol­o­gy, Doc­tor Who, life’s dai­ly frus­tra­tions, and even ridicu­lous sug­ges­tions sent in by his fans.

Devo Spice per­forms reg­u­lar­ly across the coun­try at sci­ence fic­tion con­ven­tions, music clubs, com­e­dy clubs, and any place that has a sense of humor. He has shared the stage with Dr. Demen­to, Psy­cho­stick, MC Lars, Jonathan Coul­ton, Paul and Storm, and many oth­ers. The live show fea­tures videos and ani­ma­tions syn­chro­nized with the music result­ing in a hilar­i­ous show that goes over very well with a vari­ety of audi­ences. Devo also holds the record for most Logan Award wins him­self, hav­ing received the Robot Cat in 2015, 2018, and TWICE in 2021!

Permanent Juror

Dr. Demento

Dr. Demento

Dr. Demen­to (he/him) is the on-air name of Bar­ret Hansen, the long­time host of The Dr. Demen­to Show, a syn­di­cat­ed radio show in the U.S. that fea­tures nov­el­ty and com­e­dy records. Hansen stud­ied music at Reed Col­lege in Port­land, Ore­gon and at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia at Los Ange­les. He first used the Dr. Demen­to moniker in 1970, in his ear­ly days as a Los Ange­les disc jock­ey. By 1974 he was nation­al­ly syn­di­cat­ed, play­ing rare nov­el­ty songs from the past and present, from Spike Jones and Tom Lehrer to Frank Zap­pa and Weird Al Yankovic. Hansen is also an avid record col­lec­tor and expert on the his­to­ry of record­ing who has pro­duced sev­er­al com­pi­la­tions, most­ly for Rhi­no Records. He was induct­ed into the Radio Hall of Fame in 2009. (from Infoplease.com)

The Dr. Demen­to Show is radio’s week­ly two-hour fes­ti­val of “mad music and crazy com­e­dy” avail­able for stream­ing on the inter­net. It is a free-wheel­ing, unpre­dictable mix of music and com­e­dy. Along with leg­ends like Spike Jones, Tom Lehrer, Stan Fre­berg, Mon­ty Python, and Frank Zap­pa, the Doc­tor plays new fun­ny songs sent in by ama­teur and pro­fes­sion­al singers and come­di­ans. (from Dr. Demento.com)


Ian Bonds (Insane Ian)

Insane Ian (he/him) is an active mem­ber of the com­e­dy musi­cian col­lec­tive known as The Fun­ny Music Project (aka The FuMP) as both a per­former and fan of com­e­dy music.

As a com­e­dy musi­cian, II loves video games. He plays them, he reviews them, he col­lects them, he even writes com­e­dy songs about video games (among oth­er nerdy sub­jects). Just one look at Ian’s Band­camp page makes it obvi­ous that Insane Ian is a com­e­dy music jug­ger­naut that can­not be stopped. Very recent­ly, Ian hit a mile­stone in his career a long time in com­ing, as he had the #1 most request­ed song of 2015 on “The Dr. Demen­to Show”, the name-man­gling Brit-trib­ute, “Bene­dict Cum­ber­batch”, sit­ting firm­ly atop the Doc­tor’s year-end Fun­ny 25. With a sharp wit, sar­cas­tic smirk, and a bit of self-dep­re­ca­tion, he’ll bring his unique sound to any­one who won’t tell him to shut up…and even a few that will.

As a com­e­dy music fan, Ian is the admin of the offi­cial Dr Demen­to fan group on Face­book, as well as run­ning all the press things for the FuMP. Dou­ble I has been nom­i­nat­ed for sev­er­al Logan Awards over the years but has yet to win one, which has earned him the nick­name “Rap Game Susan Luc­ci”. Ian is now the per­ma­nent chair­per­son of the awards.