2021 Nominees

Here are the nom­i­nees for the 2021 Logan Awards:

Out­stand­ing Orig­i­nal Com­e­dy Song

Boy Meets Robot feat. Insane Ian — “The Pants Song“
The Aqua­bats! — “Karate Body!“
The Cooties — “My Call­ing“
Whit­ney Aval­on — “WTF 2020?!“
Worm Quar­tet — “Pac-Man is Forty and So Should You”

Out­stand­ing Par­o­dy Song

Car­la Ulbrich — “Put On a Mask“
Car­rie Dahl­by — “Doc­tor Fau­ci“
Devo Spice feat. Insane Ian & the great Luke Ski — “Zoom Meet­ing“
Rob­bie Ellis — “List­ing All the List Songs“
Steve Good­ie feat. Aman­da Cohen — “Too Soon”

Out­stand­ing Com­e­dy Music Video

Devo Spice feat. 1‑Up, Insane Ian, Bon­nie Gor­don, TVs Kyle, LEX the Lex­i­con Artist, and the great Luke Ski — “Spi­der Vers­es“
Ian Lock­wood — “(I Don’t Think This Is) The Club“
Nin­ja Sex Par­ty — “Wel­come To My Par­ents’ House“
Psy­cho­stick — “I Can Only Count To Four“
The Stu­pendi­um — “RIP AND TEAR (My Way To Your Heart)”

The awards will be held at FuMPFeST 2021 on Fri­day, August 20th in the Chicagoland area. FuMPFeST and the Logan Awards will be broad­cast on TwitchFace­book, and Dementiaradio.org. Thank you to all our jurors for vot­ing, our fans for nom­i­nat­ing, and con­grats to the nominees!