Unqualified Suggestions Removed

We’ve seen a num­ber of songs that were not released in 2010 sug­gest­ed, and we’ll con­tin­ue to remove these. Please don’t nom­i­nate songs that are not songs, songs that were released in years oth­er than 2010, entire albums (lookin’ at YOU, Boobles), and please try to lim­it your sug­ges­tions by artist to the one or two you real­ly think deserve the award.

We are try­ing to err on the side of includ­ing songs as eli­gi­ble, how­ev­er. And in answer to a spe­cif­ic inquiry, Tom Smith’s 307 Ale was a new record­ing released in 2010. That’s the record­ing that will be con­sid­ered, and the fact that it is a re-release will be a fac­tor in the juror’s decisions.

Thank you, and please keep spread­ing the word while Open Nom­i­na­tions continue.

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