4th Annual Logan Awards to be held at FuMPFeST 2014 in Chicago, with host Dr. Demento

The 4th Annu­al Logan White­hurst Memo­r­i­al Awards for Excel­lence in Com­e­dy Music will be held at FuMPFeST 2014 at the West­in Chica­go North Shore in Wheel­ing, IL, the week­end of June 20th through 22nd, 2014. Our MC for the con­cert & cer­e­mo­ny will be leg­endary com­e­dy music DJ, the one and only Dr. Demen­to, the Guest of Hon­or of FuMPFeST 2014, who has also served as a per­ma­nent juror of the Logan Awards since it start­ed in 2011.

FuMPFeST 2014 is the first con­ven­tion being put on by the Fun­ny Music Project web­site, also known as ‘The FuMP’ dot com, and is chaired by Tom Rock­well, who is the web­mas­ter of the FuMP, as well a com­e­dy music per­former who under the stage name ‘Devo Spice’ has been mak­ing com­e­dy hip-hop albums for over 20 years, and is a sta­ple act cur­rent­ly heard on “The Dr. Demen­to Show”. Our mas­ter of cer­e­monies for the week­end will be Insane Ian, anoth­er reg­u­lar FuMP / Demen­to artist.

At FuMPFeST 2014, Dr. Demen­to also be giv­ing pre­sen­ta­tions, play­ing fun­ny music, sign­ing auto­graphs, and join­ing in all the fun that we have planned. We’ll also have live com­e­dy music con­certs being per­formed all week­end by such artists as Devo Spice, the great Luke Ski, Worm Quar­tet, Pow­er Sal­ad, Car­rie Dahl­by, Insane Ian, Tony Gold­mark, Pos­si­ble Oscar, Tom Smith, Ray­mond & Scum, Sea­mon­key, Gar­den Fresh, Dan Hart, and more! For infor­ma­tion on reg­is­tra­tion and book­ing a room in our hotel block, vis­it the FuMPFeST web­site at http://fumpfest.com .

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