Site Launched

The Logan Awards web­site has been launched. Nom­i­na­tion form will be com­ing soon, along with the oth­er pages and con­tact information.

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  1. Anthony Whitehurst

    Dr. Demen­to alert­ed me to the announce­ment of the Awards. Link­ing to you warms my heart more than words can describe. I’d like to be in con­tact, and dis­cuss ways in which Logan’s con­tin­ued sales might in some small way con­tribute to the suc­cess of the memo­r­ial awards program.
    Most sin­cerely, Tony White­hurst (Logan’s Dad)


    • balder

      Tony, I tried email­ing you on the 2nd of Sep­tem­ber, but you haven’t replied. Is there any chance it went into your spam fil­ter or some­thing? Here is the text of that email:

      Tony, your note actu­al­ly makes me hap­pi­er than the email when Al Yankovic said he’d be a juror. We’d made attempts to con­tact Logan’s fam­i­ly for as long as we’ve been dis­cussing the award, but nobody seemed to have a sure way to reach you. Even though every­one con­cerned want to hon­or Logan with this ini­tia­tive, there was always the wor­ry that you might not see it that way. Thank you so much for writing.

      Any sup­port you can offer would cer­tain­ly be appre­ci­at­ed. If you would care to write a state­ment I could read at the award cer­e­mo­ny, that would be won­der­ful. Even bet­ter would be if we could some­how put togeth­er a video ret­ro­spec­tive to show, but I can tell you now that I don’t real­ly have the resources to do that in the remain­ing time­frame. We’re going to present the awards at Con on the Cob in Akron, OH on Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 15th from 9–11 pm. We’ll have a con­cert in which all the nom­i­nat­ed songs and videos are per­formed or played, and the awards pre­sent­ed (we have robot cat stat­uettes that are com­plete­ly awe­some, pic attached).

      I’ll be hap­py to dis­cuss any ideas you have. The fund­ing ini­tia­tive you men­tioned might be very wel­come, as I have actu­al­ly put a sig­nif­i­cant amount of mon­ey into this effort out of my own pock­et. How­ev­er, I’m not real­ly con­cerned about that. This kind of thing can’t be bought. Com­e­dy music needs a legit­i­mate award that reach­es out to the whole field, and that’s what the Logans are shap­ing up to be.

      Email me at any time.

      Thanks again,

      Rob Balder
      Chair, 2011 Logan Awards


  2. Jan Whitehurst

    For­tu­nate­ly I dis­cov­ered this amaz­ing web­site a week ago when I googled Logan. About once a year I do a search to make sure that Logan is still out there, bring­ing smiles to faces, and was over­whelmed to find that a Logan White­hurst Memo­r­i­al Award had been estab­lished. I am hum­bled and hon­ored that you are remem­ber­ing Logan in this way. I can guar­an­tee that he would love the whole thing and would want one of the robot cat stat­uettes for him­self! Thank you. You have come up with the per­fect way to hon­or Logan’s mem­o­ry. Logan’s dad’s sug­ges­tion that pro­ceeds from the con­tin­ued sales of Logan’s music and art be direct­ed to help fund your efforts is brilliant.
    Jan White­hurst (Logan’s mom)


  3. Chris Ryder

    I’m the founder of Pand­cide Record Co. I had the hon­or to know and work with Logan for sev­er­al years before mov­ing to Aus­tralia and giv­ing up the record busi­ness. I have just stum­bled onto this site through Google.

    Few things in the last 6 years have brought me as much joy as to see Logan’s mem­o­ry and spir­it alive and well.

    There are dozens of Logan’s close friends and thou­sands of fans who can be reached to help be a part of such an amaz­ing memo­r­i­al to the joy that Logan brought all of us.


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