2023 Logan Award Nominees

The 12th annu­al Logan White­hurst Memo­r­i­al Awards for Excel­lence in Com­e­dy Music (aka The Logan Awards, aka The Com­e­dy Music Awards) are proud to announce this year’s final­ist nom­i­nees in 3 categories!

For Oustanding Original Comedy Song:

Nerf Herder — Born Weird

Philip Labes — Give Up!

Tom Cardy — Hey, I don’t work here

Wolves of Glen­dale — Olivia

Worm Quar­tet — Bran­don

For Outstanding Parody Song:

Daniel Thrash­er — How Lin Manuel Miran­da Orders A Pizza

Devo Spice — Still Quar­an­tined

Jeff Whit­mire — Ceno­bite

Steve Good­ie — Har­ry Pot­ter Bath­room Saga

Whit­ney Aval­on — Gas­ton (Ahso­ka + Man­dalo­ri­an Style)

And for Outstanding Comedy Music Video:

Jazz Emu — Still Wait­ing

Nin­ja Sex Par­ty — Drag­on Slay­er (Lev­el Up)

Ran­dom Encoun­ters — The Pikachu Song

The Stu­pendi­um — The Toy­box

Tom Cardy ft. Mon­taigne — Red Flags

The awards cer­e­mo­ny will be held on Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 7th at 4pm EST at FuMPFeST (as part of Con on the Cob) and will also be broad­cast live on http://Twitch.tv/the_fump. Go to http://fumpfest.com for more details. Con­grats to all the nominees!

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Nominations now open!

The nom­i­na­tions for the 2023 Logan Awards are now open! Any com­e­dy song or com­e­dy music video that was released in 2022 is eli­gi­ble! You can nom­i­nate your favorites (a max­i­mum and min­i­mum of 5 entries per per­son) at the “Nom­i­na­tions” tab above! You have until June 30th to get your nom­i­na­tions in!

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